Country Report Congo 2019

Economic Overview

The financial emergency, made by the sharp drop in oil costs that began in mid-2014, extended as the ROC’s GDP kept on contracting at 3.1% in 2017 from 2.8% in 2016. In spite of the fact that oil creation expanded in 2017, with another field (Moho Nord) going ahead stream and oil costs beginning to recoup, the expansion in oil GDP did not counterbalance the compression of non-oil exercises. 

The last pointedly diminished by 7.9% in 2017 as a tight budgetary circumstance (connected to the amassing of government overdue debts) constrained numerous organizations to decrease their exercises and their staff. The segments especially influenced were broadcast communications, transport, and development. 

Be that as it may, financial development is anticipated to gradually recuperate at 1.9%, overall, over the period 2018 to 2020. This recuperation has been upheld by higher oil generation and an expansion in ICT and assembling yield, with the Dangote concrete plant beginning creation in November 2017. 

Non-oil creation will proceed with its slow recuperation, to arrive at a top in 2019. Normal expansion is relied upon to remain underneath the CEMAC standard of 3%. 

Therefore, generally speaking financial and outside equalizations are relied upon to be contained over the 2018 to 2020 period, in the desire for the administration’s fruitful usage of monetary and monetary changes.

Main sectors of industry

The business is monopolized by the change in the mining business: oil, bond and sulfuric corrosive. There are likewise fabricates of tobacco, nourishment, brew, shoes, materials. The business utilizes 13% of the workforce, giving 25.3% of yearly GDP.

The country’s wealth is based mainly on mineral resources, particularly cobalt and diamonds (industrial), copper and scrap iron, uranium, tin, gold, silver, zinc, manganese, tungsten and cadmium. 

The subsoil is rich in:
Minerals: Diamonds, gold, copper, tin, bauxite, manganese, coal, cobalt.
Hydrocarbons: Oil, Natural Gas, Production of bitumen road.

Forest: 5% of the African rain forest belongs to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Activities included: Production and transport of logs, transformation of wood on an industrial scale, exploitation of Hevea, production of medicines, production of cellulose paper.


The eco-climatic conditions are very favorable. In spite of this, only 15 – 20% of land is exploited. The main activities include: livestock, breeding of pigs and poultry, production of milk, breeding pigs for breeding, fishing. Practiced in lakes, rivers and the sea. 

Industrial sector

– Manufacture of food products.
– Tobacco industry.
– Textiles and leather.
– Manufacture of wood and paper.
– Chemical industry and manufacture of chemicals, petroleum products, rubber products and plastic.
– Production of construction materials.
– Production of Cement.

Electricity And Water
The Congo River’s flow more regular and more powerful in the world (40 m / sec) after the Amazon. The potential energy of all the DRC is estimated at 100,000 MW / hour (100 GW / h), of which 42% is concentrated at the site of Inga. 

Taxes in Congo

Corporate income tax (CIT) is paid on profits realised by an organization or a person that completes any operational movement in the nation. 

The Democratic Republic of the Congo tolls imposes on inhabitant organizations and people on a regional premise (or source premise) of tax collection. Outside sourced benefits (for example profits got from an outside backup) are accordingly excluded from CIT. 

Non-resident or people that do a movement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are assessable on benefits they understand through PEs or fixed foundations that are situated in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 

The CIT rate is 35% (30% for mining organizations). 

There is a  minimum tax of 1% of the yearly turnover for organizations other than miniaturized scale measured and little estimated organizations (see beneath for the rates for smaller scale measured and little measured organizations). 

The base duty applies to misfortune making organizations just as organizations with CIT of under 1% of turnover. Organizations that carry on business however understand no turnover in a concerned year are likewise subject to the base annual duty as pursues: 

  • 2.5 million Congolese francs (CDF) for huge organizations. 
  • CDF 750,000 for medium-sized organizations. 
  • CDF 30,000 for little estimated organizations.

Investment Opportunities

The Republic of Congo (ROC) has colossal potential riches in respect to its populace of 5,000,000. The IMF ventures GDP development of 3.7 percent in 2019. A continued financial emergency since a 2014 drop in oil costs, poor administration, and an absence of monetary broadening, be that as it may, have pushed the legislature of ROC to close indebtedness, decreased its reliability, and made the national bank utilize huge measures of its remote cash saves. 

Openings In Power Generation 

  • Construction and activity of intensity age offices (counting hydro and sunlight based) 
  • Construction and activity of transmission and dispersion offices 
  • Production of fundamental gear and adornments (links, intersection boxes, switches, and so on) 

Openings In Agriculture Sector 

  • Poultry, meat, and fish generation (cultivating) 
  • Packaging offices 
  • Food handling 
  • Irrigation 
  • Cooling stockpiles and stockrooms 
  • Logistic focuses and conveyance 

Openings In Transportation And Infrastructure 

  • Water treatment and supply 
  • Garbage gathering and preparing, reusing 
  • Sewerage offices 
  • Roads development 

Openings In Entertainment And Tourism 

  • Bed-and-breakfast economy class lodgings with a sorted out visits administration 
  • Regular organized tours
  • Co-working spaces (imparted workplaces to the great Internet association). This sort of room could be especially mainstream with Congolese business people, frequently searching for land answers for build up their business. 
  • Wedding\Family and Business Events\Funeral office for working class Congolese and expats 
  • Playground for families with little children 
  • Sports offices

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