Country Report Andorra

Economic Overview

Andorra has a created economy and a free market, with per capita pay over the European normal or more the dimension of its neighbors, Spain and France. The nation has built up an advanced framework including a unique smaller scale fiber-optic system for the whole nation.

Andorra’s relative favorable position as an assessment shelter disintegrated when the fringes of neighboring France and Spain opened and the administration facilitated bank mystery laws under strain from the EU and OECD.Agricultural creation is restricted – just about 5% of the land is arable – and most nourishment must be imported, making the economy defenseless against changes in fuel and sustenance costs.

The Andorran economy is experiencing a procedure of broadening focused to a great extent on the parts of the travel industry, exchange, property, and back. To give impetuses to development and enhancement in the economy, the Andorran government started clearing financial changes in 2006.
The Parliament affirmed three laws to supplement the main period of monetary receptiveness: on organizations (October 2007), on business bookkeeping (December 2007), and on remote speculation (April 2008 and June 2012).

The financial changes plan to draw in speculation and organizations that can contribute most to Andorra’s monetary advancement and offer more noteworthy broadening and higher esteem included. Before 2008, Andorra offered restricted outside speculation openings to a great extent due to worries about the effect of remote firms on such a little economy.

Main sectors in Andorra

Andorra’s economy is dependent on foreign trade and relies primarily on tourism, duty-free and financial services.
Buyer merchandise are effectively exchanged Andorra. Imports of a few fabricated things are one of the significant exchange movement rehearsed in Andorra as these things are saddled at lower rates and are more affordable in Andorra when contrasted with other neighboring nations.

Horticulture being the prime wellspring of nourishment in Andorra, aside from this sheep raising is the major rural movement.
Tobacco is additionally developed on expansive scale. Handiworks industry is additionally a noteworthy wellspring of pay for Andorra economy.
Assembling industry incorporates make of stogies, cigarettes, and furniture, which are utilized in both local and universal markets.


In light of Andorra’s precipitous character, just about 2% of the land is appropriate for products. Nonetheless, until the travel industry division in Andorra encountered an upsurge, farming had been the backbone of the economy. Roughage, tobacco, and vegetables must be watered; oats, basically rye and grain, are dry-edited.

The greater part of the trimmed land is dedicated to roughage creation for creature feed. Since there is inadequate daylight on northward-confronting inclines and the terrains in shadow are unreasonably cold for most harvests, some southward-confronting fields high in the mountains must be utilized despite the fact that they are an impressive separation from the agriculturists’ homes.

Animal husbandry

For a long time, until overshadowed by the travel industry and other administration enterprises, sheep raising was the premise of Andorra’s economy. Andorran donkeys are still enormously prized. Cows, sheep, and goats are brought both up in the valleys and in a portion of the higher zones. Cows are raised for the most part for their meat, and there are few dairy bovines.


The streams are brimming with trout and other freshwater angle, yet Andorra imports most fish for local utilization from Spain.

Ranger service

Around 25,000 sections of land (100 km2), or 22% of the all out land territory, is forested. Fuel wood might be unreservedly assembled by anybody, yet it may not be purchased or sold. Wood required for building objects is cut in revolution from an alternate locale every year. For a considerable length of time logs have been transported to Spain. Most reforestation is in pines.


For a long time, Andorran produces were celebrated in northern Spain. There are as yet press mineral stores in the valley of Ordino and in a large number of the mountain territories, yet access to them is troublesome. Notwithstanding iron, little measures of lead are as yet mined, and alum and building stones are removed. The sulfurous waters of Les Escaldes are utilized in washing fleece.

Instead of sales tax, a value-added tax is applied to goods and services. In Andorra, the VAT tax rate is generally 4.5% and is known as “I.G.I.”, short for “impost general indirecte“. Exceptions include:

  • 1% on certain media like books, magazines and newspapers,
  • 1% for food and drink (except alcohol),
  • 2.5% on works of art,
  • 2.5% on fees charged by tourism operators,
  • 9.5% on banking and financial services charges.

Education, healthcare and medicine are all exempt from the VAT in Andorra.

If a company has its registered office in Andorra, is incorporated here or, effectively, is managed here then it must pay taxes on its profits.

This corporate income tax is called “Impost de societats” or just IS. The Andorran corporate tax rate is 10%. For now, holding companies that invest outside of Andorra only pay a 2% tax rate on profits.

Andorran companies are not responsible for withholding tax from dividends and interest paid to nonresidents. (Royalties are subject to a 5% withholding rate)

For both individuals and companies, capital gains are treated like any other income from a tax perspective. That means that the nominal capital gains tax rate is 10%.

It is important to note that you do not pay tax on gains from selling shares if you own less than 25% of the company. That means that you can effectively buy and sell (or day trade) most stocks without paying tax on the profits.

Also, the Andorra tax rate is 0% on gains from selling an asset that you have owned for more than 10 years.

Legitimate assurance and steadiness
Andorra is one of the most seasoned nations on the planet. Since its development in 1278 Andorra has not changed its fringes and has never been attacked or effectively been associated with any war. This little enclave encompassed by its huge neighbors Spain and France has been in harmony and lack of bias for more than 700 years. This represents its political steadiness and lawful conviction which is major for any interest in a remote nation.

An economy hoping to draw in remote venture
Since 2012 various financial changes have been passed to draw in remote speculation and organizations wishing to set up in Andorra. Andorra is 100% open for outside capital and proprietorship. There is no confinements in any part so it is anything but difficult to put resources into Andorra.

The absolute most reduced expenses in Europe and around the world
Andorra has a standout amongst the most appealing tax assessment on the planet. A pay charge somewhere in the range of 5% and 10%, a corporate assessment somewhere in the range of 2% and 10% and a the least esteem included expense in Europe give Andorra an upper hand over some other ward in Europe.

The nation’s economy has been available to FDI since the endorsement of a law on remote interest in 2012. Outside organizations are currently permitted to hold 100% responsibility for organizations.


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