Albania Country Report 2019

Economic Overview

The economy seemed to stay on firm balance in the last quarter of 2018, despite the fact that development likely moderated from Q3’s powerful extension. More fragile power yield in the quarter likely burdened development, while lively development movement—as reflected in solid building grant development in Q4—buttressed the extension. Swinging to Q1, stock fares fell in January, hampered by withdrawals in power, and development materials and metals sends out, while imports additionally declined in the month. 

Financial development is relied upon to keep up a strong pace in 2019. An improving work market and private credit development will probably support customer spending, while power generation should help sends out. 

By the by, the stoppage in the Euro-territory and potential dry season, which would limit power age, present drawback dangers to the standpoint. FocusEconomics specialists anticipate development of 3.9% in 2019, up 0.1 rate focuses from a month ago’s gauge, and 3.7% in 2020. 

The administration is centered around the disentanglement of permitting necessities and assessment codes, and it went into another game plan with the IMF for extra monetary and specialized help. Albania’s three-year IMF program, an all-encompassing asset office course of action, was effectively closed in February 2017. 

The Albanian Government has fortified expense gathering in the midst of moderate open pay and benefits increments with an end goal to decrease its spending shortfall. The nation keeps on confronting high open obligation, surpassing its previous statutory point of confinement of 60% of GDP in 2013 and achieving 72% in 2016.

Main sectors of Industry in Albania

Oil and Gas 

In 2013, Albania had over 100.2 million tons of rough yield. Misuse exercises in the Kucova Oil field started in 1928 denoting the start of oil abuse in Albania. The abuse exercises were additionally actualized to direct sandstone supplies in Patos following one year. Albania thoroughly controls this segment and it has baited worldwide financial specialists since the 1990s after monetary changes allowed the private division the rights to investigate and abuse Albanian oil and gas. 


Albania is blessed with extractable minerals as coal, chromium, nickel, and copper. Albania positions as the main European State with huge stores of chromium. Albania’s first geographical guide was ordered in 1922, and the Mining Law of the Kingdom was embraced in 1929 making room for the investigation of the domain’s minerals. From 1944 to 1994, mining was done by state-claimed associations. 

The business has since seen extensive changes since 1994. More than 700 mining grants have been designated in Albania. The activity of certain mines is being done under concession contracts including the copper mines of Karme and Lak Rosh and the chrome mines of Pojska, Bulqiza, and Katjel. 

Albania likewise has iron metal, bauxite, limestone, lignite and bitumen stores. The country’s mining area has baited in various outside firms including the Canadian Tirex Resources. 

Material and Clothing 

The dress business positioned among Albania’s most grounded divisions until the 1990s. The segment dealt with the entire creation chain and even delivered a noteworthy amount of the crude material inside. The business further fulfilled over 70% of the household request. At the point when state plants were privatized during the 1990s, the industry, together with the procedure of generation, changed altogether. 

Albania does not deliver crude materials any longer, in spite of the fact that the plants make garments utilizing requested material which at that point heads to conspicuous brands in business sectors arranged in western Europe. Albania’s dress and material part has been re-situating itself to weaken the piece of the pie of imported items. 


Albania is primarily dependent on hydropower for power generation. Practically the majority of the country’s privately created power is sourced from hydropower. Albania prides in eight fundamental waterway frameworks. The Drin stream positions as the biggest, and it is home to three hydropower stations to be specific Komani at 600 Megawatts, Fierzë at 500 Megawatts, and Vau I Dejës at 250 Megawatts. These three stations meet 90% of Albania’s household power age. Approximately 90 stations meet the rest 430 Megawatts of introduced limit. 

Albania was already a net exporter of power albeit developing interest combined with a low rate of new limit establishments has rendered it a merchant of intensity. It isn’t remarkable for power deficiencies to happen throughout delayed dry seasons or dry periods. Specialists state that just 30 to 35% of the country’s hydropower has been tapped. 

Natural and social issues have prevented significant undertakings. The Albanian government has turned to building littler hydropower stations particularly those under 100 Megawatts limit. Interests in sustainable power sources, for example, water are additionally excluded from traditions obligations that are liable to imported hardware and apparatus. 

Albania has additionally been seeking its neighbors for assentions to help build up its hydropower potential, for example, the 2014 arrangement marked with Kosovo to develop a 400-kV transmission line associating their vitality matrices. 

The travel industry 

Albania facilitated about 4.2 million visitors in 2012 essentially from neighboring states and those in the EU. The vacationer business flourishes along the Ionian and the Adriatic Sea coasts. The Ionian coast is once in a while alluded to as the Albanian Riviera because of its unblemished and excellent shorelines. The Albanian coast highlights assortments in bays, sandy shorelines, tidal ponds, ocean caverns, capes, and secured coves. 

Taxes in Albania

Albanian law applies the rule of overall tax collection. Inhabitant substances are saddled on all wellsprings of pay in and outside the domain of Albania, while non-occupant elements are exhausted on salary produced just in the region of Albania. 

The CIT rate in Albania is 15%. CIT is surveyed on the assessable benefits determined as assessable salary less deductible costs. 

Citizens with yearly turnover up to ALL 14 million are absolved from CIT, though those with yearly turnover more prominent than ALL 14 million are liable to a 15% CIT. 

Be that as it may, citizens whose action is programming generation and improvement are liable to a 5% CIT. Likewise, citizens whose movement depends on agrarian co-task and those whose action is ensured as ‘agro the travel industry’, as per the separate laws, are liable to a 5% CIT. 

Corporate tax assessment: 

Residence – An organization is inhabitant if its essential lawful seat or spot of compelling administration is in Albania. Associations and lawful substances with a perpetual foundation in Albania are viewed as inhabitant for expense purposes. Inhabitant elements must enlist with the national business focus; business entities additionally should enroll their offers with the offers enrollment focus. 

Basis – Resident taxpayers are taxed on their worldwide income; nonresidents are taxed only on Albanian-source income.

Taxable Income – Taxable pay of inhabitants incorporates business benefits, just as profits, intrigue and capital increases. The assessable benefit is the contrast between gross pay and costs identified with an organization’s business activities. 

As from 1 January 2019, the accompanying extra wellsprings of salary earned by out-of-state people are considered as Albanian-source and, thusly, assessable in Albania: 

• Income from administrations rendered by out-of-state people to an Albanian inhabitant, paying little respect to where the administrations are given or installment is made; 

• Income got from rights for the misuse of mineral assets, hydrocarbon assets and different rights for the abuse of common earthly and marine assets (incorporating into Albanian regional waters) and data relating to those rights, just as salary from their estrangement (for example an exchange of possession); and 

• Income earned by out-of-state people from the exchange of responsibility for and different investments, if all through one year before the exchange of proprietorship, over half of the estimation of the offers is gotten specifically or in a roundabout way from undaunted property, rights or related data as referenced previously. 

Tax assessment of profits – Dividend salary is viewed as assessable pay, except if the household investment exclusion applies (see underneath under “Cooperation exclusion”). 

Capital gains – Capital increases are viewed as assessable pay and are saddled together with different sorts of pay at a rate of 15%. 

Losses – Losses might be conveyed forward for three back to back years, except if there is an immediate or backhanded change in responsibility for or a greater amount of the organization’s offers or casting a ballot rights. 

Rate – As from 1 January 2019, substances enrolled for corporate pay charge purposes are liable to corporate pay charge at 5% of assessable benefit if their yearly salary does not surpass ALL 14 million and 15% of assessable benefit where yearly pay surpasses ALL 14 million. 

For substances enlisted for improved corporate pay charge purposes (more often than not those with yearly turnover not expected surpass ALL 8 million), the rate is 0% if their yearly turnover is underneath ALL 5 million (expanded from ALL 2 million) and 5% if yearly turnover is between ALL 5 million and ALL 8 million. 

A diminished 5% corporate pay charge rate applies to programming generation/advancement organizations, farming agreeable organizations ensured as agro the travel industry elements by 2021 (decreased rate appropriate for a 10-year time frame). 

Foreign Tax credit – Double tax collection help might be conceded under an assessment arrangement. Albania permits an expense credit if supporting reports, as required by the Ministry of Finance, are submitted to the General Tax Directorate and endorsement is acquired from the directorate. 

Participation exemption – Dividend salary and benefits dispersed by occupant organizations or associations are prohibited from the assessable benefits of the beneficiary if the payer is liable to corporate pay charge in Albania, paying little respect to the degree of the beneficiary’s interest. The cooperation exclusion isn’t accessible for possessions in outside organizations and remote source profits are incorporated into assessable pay. 

Incentives – Four-and five-star inns with “extraordinary status” that are a universally perceived brand and work under an enrolled trademark are excluded from corporate pay charge for a time of 10 years. This impetus is accessible to all lodgings conceded the unique status until December 2024. 

Alleviation from corporate salary duty might be conceded for specific activities on a case-by-case premise, for example, ventures identified with open administrations and framework ventures, the travel industry, the attire business, new businesses and the oil business. 

Genuine property charge – Municipalities demand charges dependent on the proprietorship or utilization of property. 

Land charge on development ventures is demanded at the accompanying rates: 

• 4% to 8% of the deal cost per square meter on developments for private as well as business purposes; 

• 2% to 4% of the venture an incentive in Tirana, and 1% to 3% in different regions on developments assigned to be utilized in the travel industry area, industry, agribusiness; for individual developments for individual use; just as for developments for open use; and 

• 0.1% of the venture an incentive for framework ventures for the development of national streets, airplane terminals, and so on. 

Different rates apply to different kinds of structures.

Investing in Albania

1 – Strategic location in south-eastern Europe, at the heart of several major transport corridors.

2 – Free market access: liberalized economy and trade.

3 – Business-friendly environment: tax benefits to strategic sector investors, legal framework compliant with EU legislation.

4 – Supportive FDI legal framework: no prior government authorization is required for investment, no limitations on foreign companies, no restrictions on profit and capital repatriation.

5 – Favorable tax system: avoidance of double taxation treaties with over 30 countries.

6 – Competitive workforce

7 – Rapidly improving infrastructure : investments in infrastructure, communication and energy.

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